Accelerate Education is the TVA provider for grades K-5. Accelerate will provide highly qualified, certified teachers for this program. Accelerate Education provides engaging lessons for students with a variety of activities.
Accelerate courses for grade K-5 will include the 4 core subjects (English Langauge Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies) as well as "specials". If a TVA student wants to participate in specials at their elementary school, they can do that provided that a parent/guardian provides transportation. If not, TVA will provide online specials for the student.
Parents/Guardians will act as a learning coach at home to help students follow their pacing guide to stay on track and assist as needed with assignments. Support for parents/guardians as the learning coach are available from Accelerate including a Learning Coach Resource website. Weekly progress reports will be emailed every Sunday morning and each parent/guardian will have an observer account to log in and see pacing guides, teacher feedback, grades, and course materials. For grades K-3, Accelerate teachers will check in weekly with students and parents to confirm mastery and acquisition of material. These required "sync" sessions are scheduled with the teacher by the learning coach/parent. Additional live sessions are optional.
There are some materials needed for Accelerate courses. Most materials needed are common household items and are expected to be supplied by the parent/guardian. To view a list of materials needed, see the documents list at the right. Workbooks for the core subjects are provided by Accelerate. These workbook pages can be completed online or uploaded as needed.