Tulpehocken recognizes the valuable contributions community volunteers make to the educational program. Our Volunteer Program has many opportunities for parents and community members to become involved in school activities. The basic requirements of volunteer service are an interest in the educational program, enjoyment in helping children, and a sincere belief that by volunteering, a contribution will be made to the learning process. Additionally, volunteers must meet any standards which may be established by federal, state or local government or by the Tulpehocken Board or administration. For additional information and an application, contact the building principal's office. You may also download our district forms from this site and print the required state forms.
Act 153 Volunteer Requirements
Governor Thomas Corbett signed into law Act 153 of 2014, which amended Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services Law and the Public School Code to impose more extensive criminal background check requirements on school employees and volunteers having direct contact with children. This is an unfunded mandate, requiring volunteers to bear the cost of the background checks unfortunately.
The definition of volunteer as provided is any “person having direct contact and interaction with students.” In an attempt to comply with Act 153, Tulpehocken Area School District will view the following as volunteers due to the potential of having direct contact with students: PTO members, booster organization members, chaperones, persons assisting with athletic or music events, persons working in concession stands, school security personnel, and classroom volunteers.
Volunteers must obtain ALL of the following necessary clearances.
Act 151 Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance;
Act 34 Pennsylvania Criminal History Record Check; and
One of the following two options:
1) Federal Criminal History Record (provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation after a fingerprint set has been submitted to the Pennsylvania State Police), or
2) An “Act 153 Volunteer Affidavit” sworn and executed by the potential volunteer in the presence of, and witnessed by, a District Administrator or Human Resources officer. This form is available on the TASD website and at the District Office upon request. This option is only available to volunteers who:
a) Have been a resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania continuously for the previous ten (10) year period of time, and
b) Have never been convicted of a disqualifying crime in Pennsylvania or another jurisdiction.
Volunteers with prior clearances that are more than 5 years old must obtain new clearances.
Informational Documents
Signature Documents
Click link above to download complete volunteer application packet.